BBC2 2025 Class Outline & Presentations. Temporary Posting...
Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association
Year-2 and Beyond Beekeeping
When: Saturday, January 18, 2025, 8:30am-5:00pm
Where: Johnson County Extension Office
11811 S Sunset Dr, Olathe, KS
8:30-8:50 Registration
8:50-9:00 Introduction - Kristi Sanderson
9:00-9:45 Winter & Early Spring Inspections - Matthew Brandes PRESENTATION
Late winter inspections (January)—Hive hefting, when & how to feed hard sugar, what temps can brood frames be pulled out, accessing dead hives
Early spring (March) queen health, colony populations, cleaning bottom board & propolis off frames, hive box reversals or not, removing entrance reducers & mouse guards
9:50-10:10 Spring Feeding - Bob Burns PRESENTATION
When, why and how to feed overwintered hives
10:10-10:25 Break/vendor time. PRESENTATION
10:25-11:15 Splitting, Requeening & Swarming - Kristi Sanderson PRESENTATION
Finding the queen, making & moving splits, preventing swarms, where to add new frames, what to do once hive has swarmed, cutting queen cells or not
11:20-12:05 Fall Management - Jon Chitwood PRESENTATION
Preparing bees for winter after honey supers have been removed
When to do mite treatments, feeding for winter survival
12:05-1:05 Lunch/vendor time
1:05-1:55 Varroa Mites and Diseases - Joli Winer PRESENTATION
How to test and treat for mites and diseases that commonly exist in hives
2:00-2:30 Extracting Honey - Buck Bradley PRESENTATION
The ins and outs of extracting
2:30-2:45 Break/vendor time
2:45-3:25 Producing Liquid and Comb Honey - Cheryl Burkhead PRESENTATION
Evaluating hives to make comb honey and knowing when to add supers for a good honey harvest
3:30-3:50 What Blooms in the Fall - Jo Patrick PRESENTATION
Learn to identify fall and nectar fall plants
3:50-4:30 Q &A with the presenters
4:30-4:45 Closing Remarks
Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association
The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.
We offer region specific knowledge, and support for all levels. A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience.
It is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech meant to inform, educate, persuade, or build good will.
HANDOUT "Beekeeper's Year" (.pdf download) - per request...'Spring Feeding" presentation.
Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers
(You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the presentations. If you do not have it, please click on the Link button to download a free copy.)