​​​​​Upon finalization of your PayPal transaction, you should get a PayPal confirmation email. An email is also sent to the Treasurer, which will be used as your registration. If you need to confirm, or have any questions, you may email.We'll respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your support! 

2019 Bee Class Options
Additional Attendee Name?
(Yes/No)OK 2 email newsletter?
Happy New year 2019

Beekeepers are getting ready to leave the 2018 season behind and are busy making plans for the 2018 season. The success of a season is often decided by good plans made in advance.


Classes will start the first week of March 2019 on March 3rd and continuing for the following weekend. There are 2 parts to this class event. Classes are held on Sundays, starting 1 p.m. and ending between 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 pm at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Lawrence, Kansas. It's the only place large enough that doesn't cost and arm & a leg. We try to keep rates low enough to just cover expenses, which we come very close to doing each year that we have put on this class. Class dates are: March  4th and 11th. Package bee arrival date will be in early April 2019. This give you time to be prepared with knowledge and equipment. Plan on arriving a little early for better seating. Doors open at 12:00 PM.

Cancellation Policy In the event that class is canceled due to a storm or other natural disaster, you will be refunded in full. We will email each registrant if the event is cancelled. Other refunds will be on an individual basis.

bee class 2019 INFORMATION

Here's a sample viewing of Dr. Diana Sammataro's book. Diana was our 2016 keynote bee class. We will be using this book will be at the 2019 class.

NEKBA 2019 Beekeeping Class

Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

Contact US by ​email: beekeeping@NEKBA.org

Beekeeping Class 2019  

2019 CLASS SCHEDULE/OUTLINE  (updated 2/12)


If you are thinking about taking a honey bee class, please consider us! The ability to down load the enrollment form is below. 

There are many things to learn before embarking on this adventure. Our bee class is a combination of hands-on demonstrations and lecture-led discussions that will inspire you to get prepared and get started.

The course covers bee equipment, bee biology and anatomy, starting your first hive, products of the hive, bee friendly vegetation, and many other honey bee related subjects. In addition, part I of the class will be led and taught by entomologist Dr. Dewey Caron, and his book comes with the class registration!

Our Bee Class is perfect for people who are interested in getting started with honey bees and beekeeping. This is the course to benefit you in getting started.  

If you have taken our bee class before, you may want to take it again as a re-fresher. It'll make even more sense after you've already had your bees for a season or 2.

While you're here, might as well check out Joli's presentation on: "Urban Beekeeping and Kansas Honey Plants"  by Joli Winer (.pdf download 13.6MB)

Dadant & Son's "Me & Beekeeping" Brochure (.pdf download 1.4MB)


We are building a knowledgeable beekeeping community through fellowship, classes, and events.  

​Class textbooks included in course fee. Textbook and Filed Guide will be distributed at the door in the first course meeting. 

What equipment should I get? How much does it cost? Here is an idea to get you started in the1st year? (.pdf2019 or .xlsx2018 spreadsheet).

We can help you get started in keeping honey bees  

As a local association, we've been around for a while...since 1948!  2018 was our Platinum Jubilee - 70 yrs!

People are keeping bees in the city, suburbs, as well as out in the country! We make beekeeping fun and interesting.  We share ideas on best practices - keeping your bees alive, ways to collect and harvest honey, process bees wax, market your products.

We have always been BIG on honey bee education.

​We share ideas on what to do with your beeswax, and how to best present your products.

We keep beekeeping simple and fun. We have members of all ages and levels--new hobbyist to professional. Our meetings are open, and there's no pressure to join. See our Calendar page.

The March 3, 2019 Bee Class event has been re-scheduled to March 17, 2019 due to
anticipated inclement weather. 
We look forward to seeing you on both March 10 and March 17, 2019 for Part II & Part I.    (updated Feb 28, 2019 1316 hs)

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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers