Copyright © Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Assn  |   Privacy Policy

Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers



Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association
Contact US by ​email:

Our purpose: to promote knowledge in modern beekeeping and improve marketing conditions. (see Article II for more details).

On this page, you'll find some financial reporting, our association Constitution and By-Laws, as well as some links to informative reading. Our members are strictly volunteers for the promotion and interest of of beekeeping. 


The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association (NEKBA) is a 501(c)(5) (tax-exempt, educational, agricultural) public charity. You may review our letter of exemption from the IRS and verify our standing with IRS Publication 78, upon request. Our Constitution & By-Laws and Best Practices Guideline are available for review below on this page. Also available are board meeting minutes, upon request.

financial reportING


The following financial reports are available for review.


Treasurer Reports  

NEKBA 2022 DEC Income & Expense Report

NEKBA Budget 

December MTD & YTD 2021 & Cashflow & Scholarship Fd

December MTD & YTD 2020 & Cashflow & Scholarship Fd

December MTD & YTD 2019 & Cashflow & Scholarship Fd

December MTD & YTD 2018 

December MTD & YTD 2017

​December MTD & YTD 2016

December MTD & YTD 2015 

December MTD & YTD 2014 

December MTD & YTD 2013


2019 is on track for being another great year of supporting beekeeping for the association and the members in accomplishing the goals of the association. 

Thank you! With the generous funding from the association supporters, we are able to sponsor teenagers and their families an opportunity to experience and learn beekeeping.

One of our committee projects for 2018 will be to review and revise our association Constitution and By-laws.  Things change, and our guidelines should change as well to keep up with the times. Stay tuned for other association legacy and archive documents to be accessible here in the future.