About this page... 

Our success is measured more than just in dollars....

However, there is still the need to show transparency as well as the "reality" of a situation in running the association business -- financial management is one of the most important practices in managing a healthy business whether for "non-profit" or 'for-profit'.

Several years ago, the NEKBA Board did away with holding regular business meetings in the interest of saving time and giving the membership at the meetings more time for educational matters. This was the board's conclusion as the main purpose & reason members attended the monthly meetings. 

Financial has the objective of: " keeping order from  chaos, safeguarding the organization's assets, and providing useful information for making sound decisions and planning".  

We hope this information is useful, and provides some insight. 

Let us know if you have any questions.​​                                                                EOM EOY 2024 Treasurer's Report

A bit of information on the association finances and reports that are made to the board at various times of the year.

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association (NEKBA) is a 501(c)(5) (tax-exempt, educational, agricultural) public charity based in Shawnee Mission, Kansas. You may review our letter of exemption from the IRS and verify our standing with IRS Publication 78, upon request. Our Constitution & By-Laws are available for review below on this page. Also available are board meeting minutes, upon request.

We are a Not-for-Profit IRC 501(c)5 (agricultural-educational) organization; run by dedicated volunteers; supported primarily by membership subscriptions.  

The IRC status means that the association is a tax-exempt organization.  While donations are always welcome, under this status they are not tax deductible as a qualified charitable contribution. However, your membership and magazine subscription(s) may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.

We are here as a resource and know that the interest in beekeeping brings much personal satisfaction to our members.

By improving regional and independent beekeeping practices through better husbandry and recognition skills of diseases and pests, and better colony management, honey production and pollination increases significantly as well as beekeeper enjoyment and as well as does honey bee health in general.

Want to sign up, explore, or renew your membership? Click on the link to the right.


Thank you!

This organization could not support the events and programs and meetings with your membership support. As a reminder, when it comes to planning the budget, we try to be visionary and reasonable. It’s easy to say how much money we’d like to raise, but it’s far more important to be practical about what can be raised. We set realistic goals for managing membership and the board's expectations.  We simply cannot show enough of our appreciation to you for your interest, membership, event participation, and financial support. We would not be able to support local and regional beekeeping on such a large scale and community benefit without you.

Thank you for being apart of our organization. Get involved. Volunteer.

Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association
​The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

NEKBA Finances....

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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers